Forgiveness Fair, the story

It was January 20, 1563 when Pope Pius IV, former Marquis of Melegnano with the name of Giovanni Angelo Medici da Marignano, issued a papal bull which granted "a perpetual plenary indulgence" to all the faithful who visited the church of San Giovanni Battista in village of Melegnano.

It was the years of the Catholic counter-reformation with the conclusion of the Council of Trent that saw the birth of the Forgiveness Fair. From the very beginning, the granting of papal indulgence attracted a large number of pilgrims during Holy Thursday, giving rise to the fair which still takes place today in the village squares. 

Melegnano, being at the crossroads of important roads in the Milan - Pavia - Lodi triangle, has always favored the landing place of numerous merchants and travellers.The Forgiveness Fair, in addition to being the setting for important liturgical celebrations, represents, through the relevant fair, the social, commercial and economic driving force that in its over 460 years of life has contributed to enriching the reality of Melegnano. A constantly evolving reality that sees the international competition "Grand Prix of Forgiveness" as an important celebratory moment that casts a glance towards the future without forgetting its important roots.

Written by Giovanni Pedretti

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