The Winner 2023 – Thomas Rossetti

On the eve of the Christmas holidays we wanted to reach out via video call Thomas Rossetti, the young Trentino runner who won the latest edition of the Gran Premio del Perdono: it was a nice chat, an opportunity to learn more about his reality and exchange mutual good luck. In the middle of the interview we also found a common passion between Thomas and the organizer... with great pleasure we share it with all our friends and readers. 

We open the ball by asking Thomas how his passion for cycling began and what the first years of his career were like.

In my hometown, Roncone (in the Trentino Giudicarie Valleys), there was a team of very young people, the Amici del Pedale, in which my sister played and after a short time I joined her.
I competed as a rookie and student in Grafiche Zorzi in Storo and I did the Juniors with the Dro cycling team and now I will move to General Store. Between January and February I will be on training camp with my new team in Spain.

New category… changes everything? What do you expect?

In the meantime I have to finish school... there's the final exam. The first year, as everyone says, is aimed at helping teammates and gaining experience. From the second year onwards we hope for the best... the goal, or rather, the secret dream is to reach professionalism.

Not an easy task, but the basics are there: just remember how last year you showed up on the finishing straight: alone and with your arms raised. What kind of runner is Thomas? How would you technically define yourself?

I usually go well on pace. Last year I tried to increase my sprinting skills. So I would define myself as a fast long distance rider. I'm also good at group sprints but I'm not a pure sprinter.

And who is the cyclist who inspires you?

Well, Mathieu [Van Der Poel, ed.]. Yes, I like the way he rides the bike, he's a nice character.

Speaking of last year's race... since you won it, we imagine you liked it. What can you tell us about the route?

I really liked the street circuit, a real spectacle. The online part all seemed the same to me. I really liked the two laps with the climb because a lot of selection was made. This year I seem to have understood that there will be three "high" rounds, right?

Yes, they should become three and the inclusion of a new climb is at stake. We don't have definitive confirmations on the route yet but it will certainly be more selective. What was the defining moment of last year's race?

With a third lap you will make even more of a difference. Looking at the circuit I thought it would be a sprint finish, but it went differently. When I left to go on the break I didn't think we could get there, but it went well and I even resisted in the final kilometres. There were two of us left at the last km and I attacked at the last corner because I had noticed that I could do it faster than my escape partner and so I tried and it went well.

Fortune favors the brave... What advice would you give to those who will tackle the race this year?

Essentially to stay covered until the climbs and then try to make a selection when the road starts to climb so as to create a small group of about twenty who will then compete for the race in a tight sprint.

We'll see how it goes, the race will also become international so there will be many new names and scenarios that will be able to establish themselves.

Meanwhile, Tommaso Marini, the president of the organizing committee, connects from Sidney and thanks Thomas for accepting the invitation and wishes him good luck for the new season that is starting, also asking him if he had already started the preparation.

We resume with a retreat in Bardolino (Veronese shore of Lake Garda) from 26 December to 8 January.

We lose connection with Thomas for a moment due to a blackout on his line. The connection returns... And Tommaso resumes his voice:
Was there a storm? Are you in Trentino?

No, maybe they connected something else to the home network and it skipped a bit. Yes, I live at 900 meters above sea level.

How beautiful. It's hot right? Because before leaving for Australia I went skiing in Switzerland and I saw that almost all the snow had melted.

Even today I was up in Campiglio when the 3-Tre was there, almost all of it is gone. It's there on the slopes because they keep them in perfect condition but in the woods almost all of it is gone.

How beautiful. So do you ski too?

Yes, I do it a lot these days. Since this year I have also been trying my hand at ski mountaineering with skins.

Beautiful... I also skied climbing with skins. Truly a great experience. I won't go up at your speed... (Tommaso laughs) but we'll try. As well as a runner, he is also a ski mountaineer... Lots of stuff Thomas!

I started this year because in October I was hit by a car while training. I suffered a 7cm cut in my femur muscle. Like rehabilitation and for recovery of training volumes, given that I was struggling in the gym, I started practicing this discipline which had similar effects, it is certainly a good alternative method.

How are you finding yourself with the new team?

At first I was afraid of falling behind with my preparation because of this accident. But they immediately made me understand that they were present by having the team doctor follow me. This was very important and signaled their seriousness and availability. I also get along well with my teammates, it's a nice environment.

How do you organize yourself for training? Live in your own home we imagine.

Yes we have the little house in Domegliara that we can use whenever we want. During the week, since I study, I train here at my house. And afterwards we do the retreats organized by the team in hotels in Bardolino. And there I get the school justification, since I'm a student athlete, and I go down. For example, in December we went down every weekend to train together.

It was nice to meet you and I'm sorry I couldn't shake your hand. We have put this race back on its feet after 23 years of not taking place. This year will be international, so we already have important accreditations also from the Mexican national team, there are athletes from all over Europe. So come on, I like having met the rider who somehow won the first re-edition of the Grand Prix of Forgiveness. So thank you for your availability and I hope to be able to see and hear you soon somewhere on television or live.

Interview conducted by Diana Locatelli, with the presence of the president of the organizing committee Tommaso Marini.

Written by Giovanni Pedretti.

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