42nd Gran Premio del Perdono – 2023

Vincitore Gran premio del perdono

Melegnano, 10 April 2023After more than twenty years of absence, Gran Premio del Perdono has returned to Melegnano. The historic cycling race, which takes place on Easter Monday, saw triumph Thomas Rossetti of Ciclistica Dro, in front of Manuel Franzoni of Feralpi Group and Victor Benareau of Velo Club Lugano.

The race, organized by U.C. Sangiulianese with the patronage of the Municipal Administration of Melegnano, it saw at the start 148 athletes representing 27 teams, including the Ukrainian national team, the Swiss national team and the Latvian formation Goldingen Cycling Academy.

After twenty kilometers two athletes took the lead: Vladyslav Kovtunenko and Andreii Pihainyi, both of Ukrainian national team. The lead duo, capable of achieving a maximum advantage close to 3 minutes, led the race for a long time and was recovered by the group after the second ascent of Belfuggito.

After recovering the attackers, the platoon remained compact for a short time before the decisive sprint by Rossetti and Franzoni che, pedalando di comune accordo, si sono involati verso il traguardo. About 1000 meters from the finish line, Thomas Rossetti lunges who crossed the finish line to the applause of the large audience.

This is the second place on the podium for the Trentino rider, after the third place in Orsago on March 26th.

The Municipal Administration of Melegnano is very satisfied, who sponsored the event, for the “rebirth” of Gran Premio del Perdono. The mayor Vito Bellomo, the deputy mayor Simone Passerini and thesports councilor Jessica Granata they congratulated the athletes, the many volunteers and the organizing committee directed by Tommaso Marini, making an appointment to see them next year.

The race, which took place over a route of approximately 100 kilometers between the South of Milan and the Lodi area, he gave away entertainment and fun for all fans. The return of Gran Premio del Perdono is one great news for Italian cycling and for the city of Melegnano, who was able to celebrate his 460th anniversary with a big party.

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